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Dance Etiquette

Dance Policies:

Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before class starts, allowing for students to use the restroom, warm up, pull their hair up, and change into their appropriate dancewear. Early arrival and being ready for class shows respect to the teacher and fellow students. Classes will begin on time. If a student is not dressed appropriately or their hair is not pulled back, they will be asked to change and/or put their hair up properly. Please provide your child with water for hydration.



Please be punctual when picking up your child from class. If you are unable to come and pick up your child from class at the allotted time, please make the teacher aware beforehand. Parents who leave their child for longer than 15 minutes post-class time will be charged a $5 for every 5 minutes they are left in the studio. After finishing class, students must wait in the waiting area or in the dance room with the teacher. They are not permitted to wait outside. Please let the teacher know if someone other than you will be picking up your child. All family members and/or guests are required to remain outside the dance area while classes are in session. This is for the safety of all.


Parents and Caregivers, please know that you will be required to check in and out when dropping off and picking up your child. This is for the safety of all our students. Only those who have been listed on the registration form will be allowed to sign for the student.


Viewing the Class:

Parents are not allowed in the dance room during class time. Any child not participating in the class should not enter the room at any time. La Belle Vie is not responsible for supervising siblings and/or friends of students. All of our classrooms will have viewing windows through which parents can see the class. We understand that parents wish to keep an eye on their children, but due to the comfort and safety of all our students, we cannot allow parents in the classroom during class time. We also ask that parents not hover at the viewing windows as it does pose a distraction to both the teacher and the students.


Students will be expected to come for regular class attendance (with the exception of illness). Repeated absence will lessen the student's ability to progress in class and learn choreography, which can hold other students back in their own progress. Attending regular classes is a sign of respect to the teacher and fellow students. There is no refund for missed classes. If a student misses more than 6 classes during the year (with the exception of illness), he or she will be excused from class for the rest of the year. Tardiness will not be tolerated. Please notify the teacher if your child is ill via text.

If a student arrives late to class, they must wait outside the dance area until there is a break in music before entering.

Class Sizes:
3-15 students, depending on the class. We reserve the right to combine or cancel classes that have too few students enrolled in them. As a result, we will ensure that each of our students will progress at their own pace regardless of the class they are placed in.

Tuition Payment:
Monthly tuition payments are due on a student's first class day of each month September through May. If your tuition is paid after the 10th of the month, a $15 late fee is expected in order to make your account current. If you choose to opt in for automatic, monthly withdrawals, this will be done on the first Monday of each month (3% surcharge will be included). Payments that are later than 2 weeks will result in the student being excused from class until payment is made.

Tuition does not represent a per class payment. Tuition remains the same regardless of the number of classes per month a student attends. The number of classes may vary per month, but payment is divided equally for your convenience. There are 9 equal payments. If payment is not made, you may be notified by a text or email.


All tuition, show, and ticket fees are non-refundable. There will be a $15 fee for returned checks. We will not hold checks or accept post-dated checks. Checks can be made payable to Providence Arts LLC.

Dropping Out:
If a student drops out of a class or classes, payment is to be made for the month in which the student drops out (EX: a student that drops out mid-January must pay for the full month of January). Please notify the teacher of the drop out by a phone call or email 24-48 hours ahead of time. There are no refunds of tuition if classes are discontinued during a year. Classes missed are not prorated or refunded.


Because dropping out of class affects other students as well as the teacher, we do ask that you only drop out of classes if it is absolutely necessary. If there is any way that we can help with your situation, please let us know and we can schedule a meeting to discuss.


Student Records:

Every student must have a completed registration form on file for each year enrolled and the $10 registration fee must be paid in advance in order to participate in classes and cover the cost of the Health & Wellness Workshop. Please update your physical address, phone number, and email address if they change during the semester. Our communication with you is dependent on this information. We use email for class reminders, newsletters, and general information. The email you give us is automatically added to our newsletter subscription, which you can cancel at any time.


Class Cancellations:

If the local school district is closed due to weather, classes will also be canceled. An email notification (48-72 hour notice) or text (24 hours or less) will be sent out if any classes are canceled. There are no refunds if a class is canceled due to weather. However, we will try to schedule make-up classes if time permits.


La Belle Vie reserves the right to cancel classes with less than 3 students registered in them. You will be notified ahead of time if this occurs.


Video Taping and Pictures:
Videotaping and pictures are not allowed during class time. It is distracting for the children as well as the teacher. A videographer will be coming in toward the end of the year to tape the class for the end-of-year DVD. Pictures can be taken before and after classes, however, please ensure you obtain permission from whomever you are photographing beforehand. Upon signing up, parents are given a photography and videography release form which either does or does not grant La Belle Vie permission to take photos and videos of their child throughout the year. This release form does NOT extend to other parents or students not employed by La Belle Vie. La Belle Vie cannot be held liable if another parent takes a photo or video of another student without permission from that student's parent/guardian.

General Safety:

In an effort to ensure that our students are safe in all aspects, our teachers are required to be CPR/AED and emergency first aid certified in case of emergency situations. If there is a particular health condition that we should be privy to, please include this information on your registration form.


General Etiquette:

Addressing your Teacher & Attitude:

Maintaining an attitude of respect is very important to us. Please address your teacher as "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their first name. We also ask that parents encourage their child in remaining patient and open-minded as well as attentive and focused during class time. This promotes a positive atmosphere for our classes. Our teachers will try their best to help encourage positive attitude by discouraging negativity, gossiping, or disrespect to fellow students, teachers, and/or parents.


Respectful communication begins with the parents. We ask that parents refrain from gossiping or negative behavior when in the dance studio. Thank you ahead of time for helping us promote a positive atmosphere for our students and teachers!

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